Section Internationale

Section Internationale au lycée Sainte-Anne de Brest.

Shakespeare à Sainte Anne

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Shakespeare à Sainte Anne !

Vendredi 24 mars, un groupe de 17 élèves (de la 6ème à la 2nde) de Sainte Anne a interprété A MidSummer Night’s Dream (Le Songe d’une Nuit d’été), de Shakespeare, une pièce sur la magie d’une nuit d’été, avec quatre jeunes amoureux, un groupe de comédiens, le Roi des lutins et la Reine des fées, tous mélangés dans une forêt magique. Les élèves répètent une fois par semaine depuis début novembre, avec Clarence Sophie Dany du Théâtre d’ici et là, et Kelly Stuck enseingante de littérature anglophone à Sainte Anne.

Le spectacle, tout en anglais shakespearien, a été apprécié par tous les élèves de troisième l’après-midi, et les amis et parents le soir. C’était vivant et dynamique, les élèves très enthousiastes.

Nous attendons avec impatience la prochaine pièce de Shakespeare de Sainte Anne l’année prochaine, en partenariat avec Théâtre d’ici est là, nous marquant comme le centre d’excellence local de Shakespeare.

Dual Diploma

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En partenariat avec








Le Groupe Scolaire Sainte-Anne développe la dimension internationale de son projet éducatif. Academica Dual Diploma™ permet aux élèves de Sainte-Anne de suivre un double cursus diplômant dès l’entrée en troisième ou en seconde. Le but est d’obtenir le High School Diploma Américain en parallèle du Baccalauréat Français. Les élèves étudient en présentiel à Sainte-Anne et en distanciel dans une High School Américaine du réseau d’écoles charter Academica basé en Floride. A l’issue de leur terminale, les élèves de Sainte-Anne décrochent 2 diplômes distincts, homologués par leurs instances respectives, le Ministère de l’Éducation Française et le Département d’Éducation de l’État de Tutelle aux États-Unis. Grâce aux accords binationaux conclus par Academica, les bulletins de notes officiels de la scolarité Française permettent de valider 18 des 24 crédits du High School Diploma. Pour valider leur diplôme américain, les élèves de Sainte-Anne ont 6 crédits à passer avec Academica International Studies. Le programme  est composé de 4 matières obligatoires et 2 matières optionnelles dites electives.  A la fin de ce cursus novateur, accompagnés par leurs professeurs américains, ils reçoivent le même diplôme que les élèves à la fin de leur High School.
Academica Dual Diploma™ est encadré par Mrs GORBOLD Lucy, responsable de la section internationale.

Ce cursus est proposé uniquement aux élèves en parcours classique et européen.


The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

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The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the World’s leading youth achievement award. It operates in over 130 countries and has inspired millions of young people to enrich and transform their lives. As one of the few Independent Award Centres in France, Sainte Anne has been licensed to offer the award since 2021. Starting in Seconde, it is available to students from all pathways (Classic, Euro and International Section).

The Award has three levels, each progressively more challenging:

  • The Bronze Award, ages 14 and over (Seconde)
  • The Silver Award, ages 15 and over
  • The Gold Award, ages 16 and over

There are four sections at each level: Service to the community, Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. At Gold level, participants also complete a week-long residential project.

All projects are student-led, focusing on the principle of experiential learning, and supported by teacher-mentors. Students set individual goals and then work over a set period of time to achieve them. The Adventurous Journey is a group expedition/exploration where the participants work together to plan, prepare for and then complete their journey in unfamiliar terrain and in total autonomy.

Both challenging and highly rewarding, this Scheme offers students the opportunity to develop personal interests and skills. It is a great extra-curricular programme, building confidence and self-awareness, and is a real bonus post-bac in a highly competitive world.

For more information, please visit the site


First journey !

Victoria Kuhn, Axelle Lannou, Anaïs Ferrec, Gaspard Malpot, Lorenzo Spinosi, Victoire Rajjou, Clément Petit-Etienne


Since October 2021 there has been a new initiative at Sainte Anne’s, Brest, as we now offer the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This award is based around extra-curricular activities, experiential learning and project creation. Students create their own projects around four notions; physical activity, a skill, voluntary work and an adventurous journey. This is a well-known award in Great Britain and around the world, and many of our anglophone team were involved as students themselves.

In September we were proud to see our first team go on their own for the weekend (remote monitoring by teacher-spies!). They walked 25 km to Camaret-sur-mer, to photograph the traces of the Second World War. They had to leave with everything they needed for the stay, camping equipment, food, water, on their backs. Cut off from the world for a weekend, without a phone, team spirit was essential for their success. Congratulations to the whole team for their positive attitude, organisation and good humour. This is the first team in Brittany to do a Duke of Edinburgh expedition!

This award is a real bonus for their future: an added value on Parcoursup, and a real life lesson, in physical and mental well-being, in teamwork, management, autonomy.

Our students are “World Ready!”

Présentation de la Section International

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Vidéo présentant la Section International en français:

Bourses Section internationale

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The programme for High School Scholarships 2022-2023 began on the 7th October 2022 at Lycée Sainte Anne, Brest. All students from 3ème (year 10), 2nde (year 11), and 1ère (year 12) have received or are going to receive a letter of information from their class teacher.

Below are copies of all letters sent out to parents :



All requests should be made directly to the finance department in order to be considered. It is possible to test your suitability using the official Education Ministry calculator, available on their website.


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In 2014 we introduced a House System into the section.  Each student belongs to one of six houses; Cook, Dahl, Dickens, Duffy, Shakespeare or Seacole.
  •  Students from sixieme through to Terminal are allocated a house and throughout the academic year there are a number of social and educational events.  
  • Every day students can earn, or lose, points for their houses.

The system creates a friendly, competitive environment where older students look after younger members of the school and input from every member of the house is welcomed and encouraged. Social events include a Newcomer’s Picnic, Quiz Night, Talent Show, Theatre Performance, Uniform Day, World Book Day, Eco Day, charity events and the the year ends with a traditional English Sports day.

Sports Day

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For most schools in Britain Sports Day marks the end of the academic year and so for the past two years the International Section has held a Sports Day to mark the end of term and the end of House activities.

Students in both college and lycee are encouraged to participate in the afternoon activities, which include various team competitions such as rounders, fancy dress relay, egg and spoon races, the challenging upper body strength wheelbarrow race and the agility testing 3-legged race. . It is a great bonding experience for all involved, as students (and teachers!) from different Houses and grade levels have the opportunity to interact and compete with each other.

Sport Day at Sainte-Anne

Talent Show

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We know our students all have many talents but we were still amazed every year at the number of entries for the Talent Show.

We have pianists, guitar players, soloists and duets, magicians, dancers, artists…

The Talent Show at Sainte-Anne

Reading Buddies

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We have in place a “Reading Buddies” system, each lunchtime students from the Premiere and Terminal classes spend 15 – 20 minutes reading with younger students from the 6eme and 5eme classes.

The idea is simply to encourage the younger students in reading aloud in English.  Where possible we match students from within the Houses so everyone gets to know one another and the older students are enjoying re-reading some of the books they studied six years ago!  It also adds an extra curricular dimension to the Terminale’s dossiers.

“My Reading Buddy is great fun, she helps me with my pronunciation and I have found I have more confidence reading aloud in class,” said 5eme student, Romane.

“It’s great to help out,” commented Amelie, from Terminal.  “I remember what it was like when I had to read aloud in class all those years ago.  It’s fun helping out and mixing with the younger students, and I’ve been able to include the experience on my university application.”

School Exchange

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In 2015 we started a twinning initiative with Truro High School for Girls, a private school in the beautiful city of Truro in south-west England.

Each 4eme student is given a correspondent at the school and letters and emails are exchanged throughout the year.

Truro High School for Girls

St Anne’s students together with students from Truro School listening to French/English welcome speeches.

Last year’s 4eme students were able to spend a morning meeting their correspondents and exploring the school in Truro which is over 150 years old and has some inspiring alumni.

Inspiring alumni at Truro's High Scholl for Girls

In 2017 Fifteen intrepid members of 2nde and Premiere travelled over to Truro with Mrs Olivier and Mrs Nield to be received by their penfriends from Truro Girl’s School for the week.  A few of the highlights from the trip were the 30km bike ride through the beautiful Cornish countryside.  Making and eating scones in the school’s cookery rooms, the Shakespeare workshop and singing along to The Commitments.  A huge thanks to our friends in Truro and see you again next year!

The 30km bike ride with Truro Girl’s SchoolMaking scones at Truro Girl’s School






The Marymount Exchange Program

Marymount School of New York has an extensive exchange program. [read more ]

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